Why Attend
ISPPD-12 will address topics that cover areas like clinical issues, host-immune interactions, genomics, immunology, microbiology, epidemiology and the interface between these areas.

Take the opportunity to meet the experts in pneumococci and pneumococcal diseases, hear the latest findings, ask questions, share your experience and get invaluable feedback. Dare to reach out!

Spend time with colleagues from all over the world, to share experiences and exchange ideas for developing better practices in the field of pneumococci and pneumococcal diseases.

Present your research and cases to the community to get feedback, new ideas, and recognition, and make a name for yourself.
ISPPD believes in being an open and friendly environment for all presenters.

By submitting your abstract to ISPPD-12 you can also take advantage of the Travel and Participation Grants which will cover your registration, travel & accommodation expenses. Or you can apply for the Young Investigators Award.