Instructions for Poster Presentations
Thank you for presenting at ISPPD-12
This page is designed to prepare you for your poster presentation at ISPPD-12. Please visit the page regularly for updates on technical requirements, deadlines and general information.
Who are these guidelines for?
- Presenting authors of abstracts selected for E-Poster Presentation with Spotlight Talk
- Presenting authors of abstracts selected for Poster Presentation with Viewing
Please refer to the scientific programme for further details on your session type.
As a Poster Presenter* you will need to:
*The below refers both to Poster Presentations with Spotlight Talk and Poster Presentations with Viewing.
Register for the Symposium
IMPORTANT: Abstract presenters who have not completed their registration or have not emailed the ISPPD-12 Secretariat at to confirm any possible special circumstances by 11 May 2022 (Wednesday), 23:59 CET for the regular abstract submission and by 31 May 2022 (Tuesday), 23:59 CET for the late-breaking abstract submission, will be removed from the Symposium’s scientific programme.
Prepare an E-Poster
Prepare a traditional paper poster (onsite participants only)
IMPORTANT: Please note, that you are required to print and bring your own poster. Please see below for further guidelines on how to prepare your traditional poster.
Onsite Paper Poster Guidelines
- It is recommended that you stand at your Poster during coffee and lunch breaks.
- Designated poster board numbers were sent to all participants registered for in-person attendance as of 20 May 2022 unless they contacted the Secretariat before that date to specify that they would not be preparing paper posters. The emails with the poster board numbers were sent out on 24 May 2022. If you have not received it yet, please check your spam box and contact us at If you changed your registration type from online to in-person after 20 May 2022, you could still receive a poster board number by contacting the Symposium Secretariat via the above email address.
- Poster boards will be located in the Exhibition Area from Monday to Wednesday (20-22 June).
- You can see a poster board overview HERE. It can also be found via the ISPPD-12 Programme Book (paper copies distributed onsite and electronic version available via the ISPPD 2022 App).
Please mount your poster following the below schedule:
- Mounting: Sunday, 19 June, between 16:00 and 19:00
- Removing: Wednesday, 22 June, between 16:35 and 18:15
- Posters remaining after 18:15 on 22 June will be discarded.
Technical specification for paper posters
Please prepare your poster to fit the dimensions below.
- The dimensions of the poster board are PORTRAIT.
- It is recommended that posters are prepared on one sheet of material.
- The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90cm wide x 120cm high.
- Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.
- The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters (six feet).
- Double-sided tape and technical equipment will be available for the mounting of posters. Staff will also be available to assist you at the designated Poster Helpdesk at the Symposium venue.
- You can download a portrait poster sample from HERE. Before printing, please double-check the dimensions with your print service provider to avoid low print quality.
- Please note that you are required to print and bring your own poster.

E-Poster Guidelines
Poster presenters were contacted via email by the ISPPD-12 Secretariat with a dedicated link to upload their E-Posters and further instructions. If you have not received this communication, please check your spam folder first, and contact us at
Please note that:
- Only E-Posters of registered participants will be displayed in the E-Poster Gallery.
- Deadline for uploading your E-Poster: 31 May 2022
- By uploading your E-Poster, you agree to have it published in the official Symposium publications and on the Symposium website, virtual platform, mobile app and society website for the duration of 3 months following the ISPPD-12 Symposium.
Technical specification for E-Poster preparation
Please upload* your E-Poster as a PDF file in LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT orientation.
- Language: All E-Posters should be prepared in English
- File Format: PDF format – 1 page
- Orientation:
- Option 1: Create your document in PowerPoint landscape layout 16×9 and save it as a PDF file
- Option 2: Create your poster in a standard document software or a portrait-oriented PowerPoint and save it as a PDF file
- Font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana, Times New Roman or Helvetica
- Font size: 11 points or larger
- Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and videos are not permitted and will be non-functioning
- QR Codes may be included
- Images and tables: At least 200 dpi – good picture quality is essential;
- When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., please use simple copy-paste and do not use embedded documents – the system does not support embedded files -audio or video
- Avoid overlapping objects and layers – only the final view/status will be visible
- When saving your PDF please do not use symbols or special characters (ie. +/@/ü) in the file name
- Please do not use headers and footers
- File size: Less than 5 MB
Please click HERE to see a landscape sample poster with arrangement tips. For a portrait sample poster, please click HERE.
*24hrs after uploading, you can log back in, click on “E-Poster upload”, and check how the E-Poster will appear on the online platform. If you wish to make changes, please use the “Edit Files” Button. We advise you to log in 24 hours after you have uploaded your E-Poster and confirm if it shows as you have intended it to. If you establish any technical issues, please contact us at
Contacting E-Poster presenters
Within the Symposium virtual platform, there is a messaging service to facilitate scientific exchange. Messages can be sent by participants directly to the presenter’s email (without seeing the presenter’s email address) by clicking the envelope icon. If you wish, you may include your email address in your message so the presenter can reply to you.
E-Poster Spotlight Sessions
Session Format
Please refer to the scientific programme for more details.
Requirements for poster presenters with spotlight talks
- Timings will be strictly adhered to by the session chairs. Please be considerate and keep to the scheduled times to allow all speakers the opportunity to present their work.
- Poster presenters with spotlight talks are expected to attend the Symposium in person and present their posters at the Symposium venue in their allocated session. If you will not be able to travel to Toronto, please contact the Symposium Secretariat at as soon as possible.
- Poster presenters who have registered for online participation at ISPPD-12 will have to prepare an E-Poster only. The spotlight talks will be limited to in-person participation.
- Onsite spotlight presenters do not need to prepare slides in addition to their posters. The talks will be given in front of the individual E-Poster at E-Poster Stations in the designated areas in the Symposium venue.